Is singing for everyone?

I sing since I have memory. My grandma used to do the chores around the house while singing and whistling and it always made my heart happy. Later as a teenager I started singing at my high school choir and I’m still singing to these days. I actually cannot imagine life without singing. That must be why I enjoyed so much singing with others and sharing the joy of singing!
was a time though when singing was not a source of happiness but of competition
and criticism during my years in the competitive and demanding classical music
world. It makes sense that the opera world is like that for it is like the
Olympics of singing where only the best trained will succeed the auditions for
the most demanding roles.
is great to know that out of the professional singing world there’s room for everybody.
God wants us to sing! Otherwise why would He have given us a voice? I’m
convinced that we’ve been gifted with voices to sing and praise our Creator. In
addition to that we can also speak languages and try to communicate with one
another but the main reason for us to have a voice is to sing! So why not to
use properly? Let’s sing while driving, let’s sing while cooking, let’s sing
when happy, let’s sing when sad and lift our hearts!
your child sing. I mean let your inner child sing, but also let the children in
your life sing. Let them listen to music, let them dance, let them play, let
them sing. Encourage them to do all these thing because in them is the
development of their brains and their hearts if you want to be more scientific.
And why not, let yourself do all these things. There are tons of articles you
can find that showing the results of many researches on how the artistic, abstract
side of our brain (the right side that controls our left side) benefits from all these practices.
lack of skills for artistic activities comes from the lack of practice. Maybe
you have never tried to sing or dance. The good news is that singing is accessible
to most of us. If you can talk I’m positive that you can sing. Just pick a
simple song that you really like, maybe a song from your childhood, and try to
sing it alone, I mean with out accompaniment, on a comfortable place for your
voice. Now the most important part of enjoy singing, don’t be too hard on
yourself! I’m not suggesting that you should stand in the middle of the mall
and start singing in front of everybody there. I’m just saying sing for
yourself or like if you were singing for your pets or for your plants. Give it
a try!
Do you need more reason to do it? Read this article 7 Reasons Why Singing Matters